Speaker Bios

Osta Davis

Osta Davis serves as the WSLC as Political and Strategic Campaigns Director. In this position, she develops and implements the council’s strategic political plan, runs the WSLC’s Labor Neighbor grassroots political action program, promotes member education campaigns on election issues, and helps recruit and elect pro-workers. Prior to joining the WSLC, Davis served as Redistricting Lead & Policy Analyst for the Washington State Legislature. She has also served as Deputy Director for the House Democratic Campaign Committee and Field Director for the Washington Senate Democratic Campaign Committee. Davis’s career of advocacy began as a Field Organizer on the Yes! for SeaTac minimum wage campaign in 2013. That successful campaign made SeaTac the first to establish a $15 minimum wage and helped spark a national effort to Fight for $15 from coast to coast.

Speaker's Classes Present/Past


Politics 2024: What’s at Stake?

Every election is billed as the “most important election of your life” but this one might just be it. At the Federal Level, Congress has ground to a halt while basic commitments to democratic norms have burned away. In Washington State, bills important to the labor movement generally advance, but with so many critical...