Fire fighters with little boy in hospital

WSCFF Burn Foundation

Burn Foundation logo

Our Mission

The mission of the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters Burn Foundation is to promote the education and prevention of burn injuries and improve the lives of burn survivors. The Burn Foundation is run by professional fire fighters who volunteer their time giving back to their communities, supported by WSCFF per capita payments, and governed by a board elected by WSCFF member fire fighters representing each of the Council’s 11 districts.

The Foundation serves people in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. A 501(c)(3) registered charity, the Foundation is funded by WSCFF member per capita payments and contributions. 

WSCFF members can contact local officers to find out how to get involved.

Burn Foundation focus areas:

Education & Prevention

The Foundation supplies, “It Happened In Seconds-Burn Injury Awareness for Fire Fighters.”

Five hundred dollar matching grants are also provided for fire departments to purchase smoke detectors to give to and install for citizens in their service areas.

Liaison Response Team for Burn Injured Fire Fighters (LRT)

Seattle Crew outside HarborviewThe mission of the Liaison Response Team (LRT) is to provide assistance to fire fighters and other emergency service personnel, their families and departments following the aftermath of a burn injury. The foundation works with the family, fire fighters, the burn unit team, and the media.  They also provide lodging, clothing toiletries, meals, travel expenses, and run errands for the fire fighter and the family.

Emergency Housing

Harborview HospitalStudies have shown that having loved ones near during recover improves patient outcome.  The foundation provides overnight accommodations within walking distance of the Harborview Medical Center Burn Unit for the families of burn patients from all around the Northwest and Alaska. These include a kitchenette, showers, beds, laundry facilities and, perhaps most importantly, a private sanctuary away from the unit.

Camp Eyabsut

Boys with head in circleCamp Eyabsut is an annual week-long summer camp offered at no cost for young burn survivors, ages 5-17 from across the Pacific Northwest region. It is held in July in the Cascade Mountains about an hour east of Seattle. The Camp can accommodate approximately 60 campers with 28 counselors and 10 support staff, including nurses, a child life specialist, and extra volunteers to assist with activities. The cost to send one child to camp is approximately $1,000, which includes travel, food, and lodging. All volunteers and camp counselors include adult burn survivors, returning campers and fire fighters. Learn more about Camp Eyabsut.