man relaxing paddling on water

WSCFF Retirees Association

WSCFF Retirees Association

Established by Convention Resolution 19-02, the WSCFF Retirees Association (RA) gives retired members a unified voice, the ability to engage with and provide input to the WSCFF, and opportunities to connect and network with each other and active members.

To participate in the Retirees Association, you must be a dues paying WSCFF Active Retiree. Dues are $6.00 per month and can be paid by completing the DRS auto-deduct form, through your local or directly to the WSCFF office. Contact the office for more information.

For more detailed information, see the WSCFF Constitution and Bylaws, Convention Resolution 19-02, the Retirees Association Summary Statement,  or contact the Retirees Association Board Members. 

Retirees Association Advisory Board

Curt Vandver
George Orr
Roy Orlando
Steve Hostetter
Patrick Hepler
Mike Cooper

Association News

Healthcare Enhancement for Local Public Safety Officers (HELPS) The IAFF won an unprecedented congressional victory with the passage of the HELPS act. Under it, retirees can receive a tax-free distribution of up to $3,000 from retirement plans to help pay for health insurance or long-term care insurance premiums. Please see the IAFF website for details.