Speaker Bios

Steve Hostetter

Hostetter grew up in Bremerton Washington.  After graduating from the University of Puget Sound and a short stint in the business world, he joined Central Kitsap Fire and Rescue, retiring as a Battalion Chief in 2017.  He served as 2nd vice president for local 2819, has been on multiple negotiations teams, and supported the local in other various capacities throughout the years. He serves on the board of the WSCFF Retirees Association.  

Speaker's Classes Present/Past


Retirement Planning

As professional firefighters, we have an amazing defined-benefit pension and the ability to retire in our mid-50s, but our income and expenses change immediately and dramatically the day we retire.  At what point can we retire comfortably?  How do we pay for health care?  What factors should we consider regarding survivor options, purchasing service...