Law Enforcement Officers’ and Fire Fighters’ Retirement System
The Law Enforcement Officers’ and Firefighters’ (LEOFF) Retirement System is administered by the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems (DRS). If you became a member before October 1, 1977 you are in LEOFF 1. If you became a member after October 1, 1977 you are in LEOFF Plan 2.
Find the LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board 2023 Legislative Update here.
LEOFF Plan 2 is governed by a Retirement Board created in 2002 by the passage of Initiative 790, which transferred authority to a governor-appointed 11 member board (six LEOFF Plan 2 members, three employer representatives, and two legislators). WSCFF President Dennis Lawson, WSCFF Legislative Liaison AJ Johnson, and retired Vancouver fire fighter Mark Johnston currently serve on the Board. The Board sets contribution rates for the plan and studies related pension issues. It also recommends pension policy to the Legislature in the interest of the members and beneficiaries of the Plan.
Your Retirement Account (through the Department of Retirement Systems)
Membership established on or after October 1, 1977
- Disability Benefits
- Military Service Credit
- Recovery of Withdrawn or Optional Service Credit
- What is Dual Membership and How Does It Affect Me?
- My Plan 2 Account
The LEOFF Plan 2 Board of Trustees is responsible for:
- The adoption of actuarial standards to be applied to the Plan.
- Providing for additional benefits for fire fighters and law enforcement officers subject to the cost limitations provided for in chapter 2, Laws of 2003.
- Exercising fiduciary responsibility in the oversight of those pension management functions assigned to the Board.
- Providing effective monitoring of the Plan by providing an annual report to the legislature, to the members and beneficiaries of the plan, and to the public.
- Establishing contribution rates for employees, employers, and the State of Washington that will guarantee viability of the Plan, subject to the limitations provided for in chapter 2, Laws of 2003.
- Provide for an annual budget and to pay costs from the Trust, as part of the normal cost of the Plan.
- Retain professional and technical advisors as necessary for the fulfillment of their statutory responsibilities.
The Board works closely with other state agencies to provide the highest level of service to our members:
Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) collects contributions, tracks service credits, and pays benefits for LEOFF Plan 2 members and other Washington State public pension systems. 1-800-547-6657
Office of the State Actuary (OSA) produces actuarial fiscal notes estimating the cost to fund bills proposing changes to pension benefits. 360-786-6140
Washington State Investment Board (WSIB) is responsible for investing public trust funds, including the assets of the LEOFF Plan 2 Trust Fund. 360-956-4600
The LEOFF Plan 2 Board is comprised of three fire fighters, three police officers, three employer representatives, and two legislators. One Board member must be a retired participant of LEOFF Plan 2. Board members are appointed by the Governor.
To become a LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board Trustee, follow the application process provided through the Governor’s Office. We encourage interested parties to inquire, even if there are no Board positions currently open.