Post Retirement Health Insurance
10:45 am - Noon
2024-Ed-Seminar-Wednesday, April 17
Location: Heritage A
Speakers: Aaron James, James Booth
Review L726 and L1747 Post Retirement Healthcare plan, history, how we successfully bargained, pros/cons, how we may help others implement similar programs.
About the Speakers
Aaron James
Aaron James is a fire fighter/paramedic with Central Pierce Fire & Rescue and has been President of IAFF Local 726, Pierce County Professional Firefighters, since 2018, serving 465 members. He has also been Vice President and Shift Representative. He is a proud graduate of IAFF 7th District Executive Leadership Series Class II.
James Booth
I have been married to my wife Elaine for 15 years who supports this work and all of the time away to do it. We were both raised in Union families and know the difference this work makes in the lives of our members and their families. I have continuously served on the Executive...