IAFF Local 453, Wenatchee Valley will host our 84th Annual Convention June 19 – 21, 2023 at the Wenatchee Convention Center. A call to convention will go out in March 2024 along with hotel information and registration materials. PLEASE NOTE: Convention this year starts on MONDAY and ends on WEDNESDAY. This is a one...
Local 404, Walla Walla invites convention delegates and alternates and families to Yellowhawk Resort for an outdoor family barbeque. In addition to dinner, activities include swimming and cornhole. Local 404 will have a historic fire truck on hand serving beer brewed by one of their retirees, and the resort will offer Yellowhawk Bubbles, their...
The Washington State Council of Fire Fighters held its 82nd Annual Convention, in person, at the DoubleTree Hotel in SeaTac, hosted by IAFF Local 1747 Kent. Two hundred and forty-three delegates and 37 alternates, representing nearly 8,500 WSCFF members, met to elect officers, discuss, debate, and vote on resolutions, and set the direction for...