
WSCFF Legislative Report

9:00 am - Noon
2024-Ed-Seminar-Thursday, April 18
Location: Heritage ABCD
Speakers: AJ Johnson, Bud Sizemore, Kevin Hart

About the Speakers

AJ Johnson

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Bud Sizemore

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Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart was hired by Clark County Fire District #3 in 1998. In 2004, he went to work for the Vancouver Fire Department and became a member of IAFF L452, Vancouver. He has served as Shop Steward, Secretary, and Political Action Director. From 2013-2015 he served on the Washington Labor and Industries (LNI) Self-Insurance...

Today's Classes

9:00 am - Noon
Location: Heritage ABCD
9:00 am - Noon
Location: Heritage ABCD
Jen Pennington will demonstrate the features found on the newly created Wildland Fire App. Megan Durham, a developer with Rhizome will also be on hand
9:00 am - Noon
Location: Heritage ABCD
9:00 am - Noon
Location: Heritage ABCD
7:00 - 8:00 am
Location: Birch Room
WSCFF Shift Change meetings are for members coping with or in recovery from behavioral health challenges, including post-traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, sleep problems, or challenging
7:00 - 8:45 am
Location: Discovery Ballroom