Locals: District 8
1747 Kent Firefighters
Kent Firefighters Local 1747 responds to the areas of Kent, Covington, Sea-Tac and District 37.
2829 Redmond Union Fire Fighters
The Redmond Local 2829 Fire Fighters proudly serve the citizens of Redmond, Fire District 36 and NE King County.
1604 Bellevue Union Fire Fighters
The mission of the Bellevue firefighters is to serve the citizens of Bellevue, Washington, King County and Washington State to the utmost of our ability.
4816 Chelan County District 7 Fire Fighters
Chelan County Fire Protection District 7 has been in existence since 1926. Chelan County Fire and Rescue serves 125 square mile area including the City of Chelan, Chelan Falls, Union Valley, South Lake Shore, 25 Mile Creek, and the north side of Lake Chelan. Our mission is to protect the lives and property of...
0663 Ellensburg Union Fire Fighters
Ellensburg firefighters serve the citizens of Ellensburg in Central Washington in the Kittitas Valley.
3186 Mountain View Fire & Rescue
Our local was founded November 4, 1988 with 5 members. Since its inception, our local has grown to include 30 members in 2007 and staff 3 stations 24 hours/day and one station on a 12 hours/day basis. We currently have 21 members and staff one station 24 hours/day and 2 stations 12 hours/day. Our...
1352 Valley Regional Fire Authority
We have a minimum of 20 members on duty at any given time and we serve over 80,000 citizens in Algona, Auburn, and Pacific.
0453 Wenatchee Valley Union Fire Fighters
We are now Wenatchee Valley Union Fire Fighters , IAFF Local 453. We have proudly served the citizens of the Wenatchee Valley and have represented our Fire Fighters for over 80 years.