
Welcome Back Nich Gullickson!

Nich Gullickson, L2024, South King, has been selected to serve as the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters Legislative Liaison. Nich, who served as Session Lobbyist in 2019, brings experience, passion, and dedication to this critical role, joining current WSCFF Legislative Liaison AJ Johnson. Longtime WSCFF Legislative Liaison Bud Sizemore has resigned to take a job as Deputy Director of External Affairs for the Department of Natural Resources. The 2025 session began this week.  

Nich joined L2024, South King County Professional Fire Fighters in 2016 and currently serves as vice president of the local. A graduate of the IAFF Political & Communication Training Academy and the IAFF 7th District Executive Leadership Series, Nich has used the skills he learned to advocate for WSCFF locals across the state, helping them with campaigning and political action. His experience as the Session Lobbyist in 2019 gave him valuable insight, where he learned the intricacies of ensuring our members are represented in Olympia. 

What motivated you to take on the role of WSCFF Legislative Liaison? 
“I have been fortunate enough to see firsthand, the success our organization has had on behalf of our members and specifically the work our legislative team has done. Being able to build upon those successes is something I look forward to in this session and beyond.” 

You’re known for your passion for political action. How do you plan to channel that passion into your work as Legislative Liaison? 
“Over the years I have been able to create relationships with elected officials and community stakeholders to better serve my members back home. I will work to build upon those existing relationships and foster new ones so that our members’ voices from across the state are represented here in Olympia.” 

Why is it important for fire fighters to engage in legislative and political advocacy? Why is their involvement crucial to our success? 
“Political action is the lifeblood of union work and the mechanism to effect change. Our members are government employees and almost all of us either work for an elected official or for a fire chief who was hired by an elected official. If we aren’t involved in the political process, someone else will be.” 

Please join us in welcoming Nich and wishing him success as he works to represent our organization and members.