Preparing for Line-of-Duty-Death
3:30 - 5:00 pm
2023-Ed Seminar-Tuesday, April 18
Location: Room D
Speakers: Pat Ellis, Pat Pawlak
About the Speakers
Pat Ellis
Pat Ellis is the Crisis Center Intervention Coordinator with the Kent Police Department, Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority, Valley 911 Communications Center. He trains and coordinates peer support teams and holds multiple certifications in critical incident stress management, traumatic stress, traumatic grief and line of duty death of an emergency responder. He teaches critical...
Pat Pawlak
Division Chief, CIO Puget Sound RFA Pat Pawlak started his career with the Kent Fire Department in 1985. During his fire service career, he has spent time in the Operations and Training Divisions. As a Division Chief, he has managed the Facilities and Property Management Division, Fleet, Logistics, Safety Officer and most recently the...