Line-of-Duty Death: A Fire Family Story

Erik Shouse, L2781 Snohomish County, died at age 40 from cardiac arrest at his home on Camano Island in April 2018. A year later, the Department of Labor and Industries determined that he died in the line of duty of an occupational disease. His wife, Kalina, has been a tireless advocate for fire fighters...

WSCFF Endorses Governor Jay Inslee for Re-election

Citing a long and productive working relationship between Governor Jay Inslee and the WSCFF, President Dennis Lawson announced that delegates to the WSCFF convention overwhelmingly voted to endorse Governor Jay Inslee for re-election.  “We support those who support our issues”, says Lawson. Inslee has been a friend to fire fighters, who volunteered to serve...

We Can Do Better!

At this pivotal point in our country’s history, the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters is proud to stand with our brothers and sisters across this great state and nation and say, black lives matter! Racism, bias, and intolerance must end if we are to achieve what is described in our Declaration of Independence...

Firehouse Rock

When talk in the firehouse kitchen turns to bands -- kilts, bagpipes and snare drums are often at the core of the conversation.  In Bellevue, it’s a different story.

Hook and Batter?

Ann Hoag is known for her tasty confectionary creations.  Not many people, she says, “get to save lives and bake cakes.”  But Hoag, from Local 2024, does both.