Wildland Committee Fire Roster: What is it and how do you access it?
1:30 - 3:00pm
2023-Ed Seminar-Wednesday, April 19
Location: Room G
Speakers: Jeff Wainwright, KC Whitehouse, Norby Johnson, Kevin Haughton, Jay Wilkins, Jason Gallagher, Pat Moore
About the Speakers
Jeff Wainwright
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KC Whitehouse
IAFF Local 2394
Norby Johnson
IAFF Local 3390
Kevin Haughton
IAFF Local 29
Jay Wilkins
Jay Wilkins is a member of IAFF Local 3711, Spokane County Fire District 8 with experience in campaigns and communications.
Jason Gallagher
IAFF Local 4333
Pat Moore
IAFF Local 1828