WSCFF Endorses Governor Jay Inslee for Re-election

Citing a long and productive working relationship between Governor Jay Inslee and the WSCFF, President Dennis Lawson announced that delegates to the WSCFF convention overwhelmingly voted to endorse Governor Jay Inslee for re-election.  “We support those who support our issues”, says Lawson. Inslee has been a friend to fire fighters, who volunteered to serve...

81st Annual, First Virtual WSCFF Convention Report

The first ever virtual WSCFF convention looked a little different, but the results were the same. Democracy in action! Delegates gathered, discussed and adopted resolutions, elected officers, approved a budget, and set the course for 2020/2021 operations.

Meet Retirees Association Board Member Roy Orlando

Retired Tacoma Fire Fighter Roy Orlando serves on WSCFF Retirees Association Board. His vision is to see that all LEOFF members are fairly represented and that their pensions and benefits are protected or improved.

We Can Do Better!

At this pivotal point in our country’s history, the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters is proud to stand with our brothers and sisters across this great state and nation and say, black lives matter! Racism, bias, and intolerance must end if we are to achieve what is described in our Declaration of Independence...

Retirees Association Moves Forward

The newly formed WSCFF Retirees Association is dedicated to inspiring, organizing and building a robust, empowered community for retired firefighters.  The Retirees Association Board, made up of LEOFF 1 and LEOFF 2 retired members, was not able to meet in person, as planned, in April.  Nonetheless they continue to move forward to serve the...